Project Description
111Skin 面膜超值体验
111Skin mask
111SKIN是英国贵妇院线级别,明星维密超模推荐❤️是由伦敦美容整形外科医师Yannis Alexandrides建立的高端护肤品牌,是航空科学团队针对宇航员肌肤打造的必备护肤黑科技,品牌根据于其位于伦敦在哈利街的诊所地址命名为 111SKIN,品牌的前卫产品含强效治愈成分,旨在打造年轻态亮泽皮肤,同时提供绝佳的抵御环境侵蚀保护。
1⃣️$88 111SKIN 臻璨黑钻面部Mask(涂抹+片装)
* $38 111SKIN臻璨黑钻眼部Mask
$48 111SKIN 臻璨黑钻颈部Mask
2⃣️$88 111SKIN 24K锦缎玫瑰金焕颜面部Mask(涂抹+片装)
* $38 24K 111SKIN锦缎玫瑰金焕颜眼部Mask
24K 锦缎玫瑰金焕颜
3⃣️$68 紫鎏金生物纤维修复面部Mask(涂抹+片装)
* $38 紫鎏金生物纤维修复眼部Mask
加入了独家NAC Y2配方,最大限度激活皮肤抗氧化活性。密集奢养同时对抗岁月损伤,提拉、紧致、消炎、去红、修正肤色、阻止疤痕形成,帮助您的肌肤重启崩弹年轻力!适合肤色不均、暗沉,有斑点问题及缺水人群。
4⃣️$68 111SKIN 美白提亮修复Mask(涂抹+片装)
5⃣️$68 111SKIN 冰萃补水修复Mask(涂抹+片装)
$38 111SKIN 冰萃补水修复眼部Mask
6⃣️$48 生物纤维抗痘祛痘Mask(涂抹+片装)
$38 生物纤维抗痘祛痘眼部Mask
111Skin burst onto the scene in 2010 and has since garnered a loyal fan-following (we don’t want to namedrop, but the likes of Priyanka Chopra, Margot Robbie, Bella Hadid and Victoria Beckham are included).
The innovative luxury skincare range is the brainchild of the renowned Harley Street cosmetic surgeon Dr. Yannis Alexandrides, and was made with the intention to give all ages, genders and skin types access to professional anti-ageing treatments.
If you’re looking to bring the clinic to your bathroom cabinet but not sure where to start, check out our ultimate guide to 111Skin and their best products.
111Skin Radiance Collection
Dubbed as the supermodel secret to luminous skin, the Radiance collection by 111Skin is your fast track to a healthy-looking complexion.
This collection offers a trio of glow-enhancing products, including a face mask, eye mask and radiance boosting serum. Each product is efficient, easy-to-use and formulated with 111Skin’s superior blend of antioxidants, vitamins, peptides and pure gold. With just a few applications, you’ll be able to reveal the ‘glow’ that everyone desires.