Project Description

Dermalogica Facial


Dermologica Facial 



The Age Smart / Personalized Facial is ideal for All Skin Types

The Age Smart / Personalized Facial is ideal for All Skin Types

德美乐嘉 (Dermalogica) 是美国专业护肤品牌,Jane Wurwand认为市场上缺乏具优质效果的皮肤护理产品,因此引领国际皮肤研究学院在不断研究及发展下,研发创立此一以逻辑与科学为基础、并从关怀个人肌肤需求为出发的专业保养护理系列,并以充满知性质感的德美乐嘉为品牌命名创立,德美乐嘉一直坚持专业的皮肤护理理念,并专心致力于皮肤护理的教育工作、以及为研制出独特及崭新的成份配方作出的承诺并带出卓越的成果。

德美乐嘉的产品成份均不含任何化学防腐剂,矿物油,羊毛脂,香料,色素,酒精,工业润滑剂,而选用植物萃取的精华成分代替,德美乐嘉的所有产品均含有抗氧化,镇静舒缓的成份,所以不会引发暗疮粉刺和敏感现象。 [1]

At Grace Beauty Spa, our professional skin therapists are trained at the International Blanche MacDonald center. They are the most highly trained professionals in the industry. Think of a professional skin therapist as a specialist for your skin. We are dedicated to getting real results.

A lot of clients talk about facials and at Dermalogica we talk about skin treatments and the difference is clear. A facial is something that is indulgent or pampering. A skin treatment is specific to that client’s skin, designed specifically for them by an expert skin therapist and the results are unequaled.

We start with our unique Face Mapping where we analyze the skin in depth and design a treatment that’s different every single time because your skin is different every time you come in. You should receive a Dermalogica skin treatment about every 4-6 weeks or as I often like to say, once every epidermis which is your outer layer of skin.


— 延伸阅读 》

Beauty Results*:The skin appears smoother, softer and more radiant. Extractions will unplug pores while finishing products will help to eliminate shine, leaving your skin cool, refreshed and beautiful Skin feels clean and more supple.
* Results may vary from person to person

Grace Beauty Spa

Grace Beauty Spa has been in the beauty industry for over 10 years.

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